Sunday, December 1, 2013

Z6. December 1, 2013. Day 61

A very distinct memory occurs to you, as you gaze, bored, from your position in the lookout.  In front of you is a small sea of rot that extended in the lowland area along the eastern edge of the zombie refuge. You were young, riding in the backseat of the car. Drowsy. Your eyes opened and shut and the rhythm of the road bounced your head gently against the cloth interior wall of the vehicle as it drove down the unknown road.  You don't know where you were, and have only a rough guess of how old... but you do remember the smell. Horrid. Who knew that the tense fear of being chased and eaten, or worse, converted to a zombie by zombies would become irrelevant next to the smell of them permeating the air, day after day. If you never smell zombie again, it will be too soon.

The zombies wander along the plain in little groups, moving in the distance like clumps of algae floating across a pool, parted by an oar in water.  You stand and jump up and down to stay awake. The zombies are luckily lacking the brains that they had when still human, so they are not much of a nuisance. Well.  If you ignore the never-ending smell. And the inability to get fresh supplies.

A sound crackles across the radio, “Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!” The forest service camp had somehow become overrun, and the people were trapped in kitchen. Overrun? What had they been doing, exactly? The voice over the radio was non-specific as to the events. A rescue group might be able to reach them from the adjoin ridgelines; it was possible that they could find a route out for the trapped people.

You decide to:

Join the rescue crew. You hike 2 miles with a 40 lb pack of supplies.

Join the rescue crew.  There is a small lake (2 large pool lengths) between you and the boat and southern edge of the forest service camp.  You swim to the boat and row it back to the rescue group. (swim + row machine).

You help prepare the camp for the new members.  Unfortunately, extra supplies are located in a rail car a quarter mile away, on the zombie plain.  You move across vehicles, trees and tool sheds to get to the rail car. (use playground toys to create an obstacle course getting to the rail car and back. Sprint all times you are on the ground).